Specialty Custom Winches

Trace Metal Winches

Trace metal or ‘Clean’ winches are suitable for ocean sampling for the purpose of analyzing trace metals. These winches are designed with plastic or composite components to eliminate cable contact with metallic winch components.

Notable Features

These winches most often include plastic drum covered, both grooved or smooth, plastic drum flange spacers and plastic sheave and levelwind components. This allows the cable to spool onto the winch without picking up any metallic traces from the winch itself.
Okeanus Science & Technology, LLC, is a rental, sales and services company, with in-house equipment manufacturing and engineering capabilities for the oceanographic and subsea professional.


255 Equity Blvd.
Houma, LA 70360, USA

+1 985.346.4666


11989-A FM 529
Houston, TX 77041, USA

+1 713.460.1400

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